Rāṣṭragītā is the song for the nation(s) and its people. Not any one particular nation, but any and all nations and all its people. This is a prayer for the well-being of all. These mantras of Veda confirm yet again that the spread of knowledge becomes graceful by crossing the man-made boundaries of caste, class, gender, age or nationalities. Mutual coordination among thoughts, protection, promotion and nurturing activities create a family, a community, a nation and a global community. To make life dynamic, animal wealth, crop wealth and forest wealth are also essential and need preservation and protection. The brave children of our nations are the world’s future leaders.

We pray for the required rains at the right times from the clouds arising from our Yajña, our life journey. We pray for the efficacy of medicine and healing for all peoples everywhere for eternal well-being.

This chant is so personal, perhaps also for many others, whose immediate family members are already representing different nations. My husband and I from different nations, chose to birth and raise our children in a nation different from both ours. With prayer, I feel at home, here in my adopted nation and in the land I was born on. Our global community of chanting practitioners are a reflection of our own little family. We come together from all walks of life and all nations, for the common goal of prayer and well-being. Thank you for being here!