Saturn Sādhana – Śani vrata 2024 (sign ups closed)


It is no longer possible to sign up for this vrata.

Śani vrata
Aug 10 – Nov 23
16 Saturdays sādhana
Info session video below
Orientation for group: 27 July


Early bird fee extended to 18 July.



This is my personal sādhana I am sharing partially with our Veda Studies community. Shani (Śani) in Jyotiṣa is considered the graha (planet) who works through delays, obstacles, setbacks and general frustrations. Saturn forces one to inspect, reflect upon and recognise our own inner truths. Saturn is impersonal and teaches everyone, whether friend or enemy. (paraphrased from Komilla Sutton’s book). The Saturn remedies that one can observe include but are not limited to fasting, prayer, japa & donation. In the upcoming Śani vrata dates according to the Hindu calendar, you can join me in this year’s offering. Please read all details before you sign up. This sādhana is a combination of self-practice, LIVE practice together, learning an optional hymn through a self-paced course and fasting. You can choose a “vrata” that works for you, it does not have to be ALL Saturdays – decide (Saṅkalpa) what is possible to do and stick to it.

Note: I am not an astrologer and will not be “teaching” anything – I am just offering good company to do this practice in! The Śani vrata is beneficial for everyone!

If you have already done this vrata with me in 2023, you can make a contribution for this year’s vrata HERE >>

Out of stock


Early bird fee extended to 18 July.

Dates & activity

This year the dates for doing Śani vrata are the 16 Saturdays starting from 10 August to the 23 of November.

July 27: Orientation session for those who are registered to this vrata.

  1. Aug 10 – Email welcome + self-practice with video or audio.
  2. Aug 17 – Self-practice
  3. Aug  24 – Self practice
  4. Aug 31Practice LIVE with Shantala (3pm Brussels time).
  5. Sept 07– Self-practice
  6. Sept 14 – Self-practice
  7. Sept 21– Practice LIVE with Shantala (3pm Brussels time).
  8. Sept 28 – Self-practice
  9. Oct 05 – Self-practice
  10. Oct 12 – Practice LIVE with Shantala (3pm Brussels time).
  11. Oct 19 – Self-practice
  12. Oct 26 – Practice LIVE with Shantala (3pm Brussels time).
  13. Nov 02 – Self-practice
  14. Nov 09 – Practice LIVE with Shantala (3pm Brussels time).
  15. Nov 16 Practice LIVE with Shantala (3pm Brussels time).
  16. Nov 23 – Self-practiceVrata

Derived from the root verb √vṛñ (to choose), it indicates a set of rules and discipline with which one voluntarily binds oneself over a particular period of time. During this time, one undertakes the performance of certain observances/rituals in order to propitiate a particular deity. This whole process, should be undertaken with a saṅkalpa (a resolve), and adhered to.

Various options will be provided to all practitioners – you will be able to create your own personal sādhana, depending on what you are able to do. Choose what works for you, and stick with it!

The practice

We will chant Narasiṃha kavacam followed by a japa honouring Śani. You will follow a full fast/partial fast depending on what is possible by you. You don’t need to commit to all 16 Saturdays, only commit to what is practically possible and see it through.

The self-paced course “Narasiṃha Kavacam” is included when you sign up for the vrata. In case you are facing financial challenges, please write to us for a donation based participation – no one will be turned away from this sādhana.

How to prepare:

  1. Choose your sādhana days – choose from 5 to 16 Saturdays, it doesn’t have to be all 16 Saturdays. What is really important is to commit to the days you decide to practice and see it through. No dropping out, make it work. This is your Saṅkalpa (vow).
  2. Choose also whether or not you will fast. Only commit to fasting if you do not have any prior medical conditions which make fasting a challenge. You can do a partial/half or full fast. Full fasting starts at sunrise on Saturday, ending on Sunday sunrise.
  3. Sign up to this event – you have to learn this hymn through the self-paced course included (Narasimha Kavacam), there is no LIVE teaching for this. If you’re unable to learn it, don’t worry! In your Saṅkalpa, just decide that you will “listen” to the Narasiṃha Kavacam and join the Japa. Everyone can practice the japa, it will be short, easy, repetitive (108 times).
  4. On your chosen Saturdays, practice on your own, or join Shantala on the fixed days when the practice will be offered LIVE. The Zoom link is available in the Narasiṃha course.

Please read all details (and watch video below) before you register, there will be no refunds.

If you have already done this vrata with me in 2023, you can make a contribution for this year's vrata HERE >>

Info session held on 21 May:

Śani vrata with Narasiṃha Kavacam

16 Saturdays self-practice + 6 live practices
