Chanting invocation mantras is a deeply rooted practice in India’s spiritual traditions, especially at the commencement of any sacred activity. The book Nitya Dhyāna beautifully presents the first invocation mantras dedicated to the Guru, Lord Gaṇapati, and Goddess Sarasvatī. These mantras serve as calls to divine energies that guide, protect, and inspire us on our spiritual journey. Accompanying the book is a Spotify playlist featuring these mantras recited by Shantala, allowing practitioners to immerse themselves in the sacred vibrations.

Invocation to the Guru

The mantra “oṃ śrī gurubhyo namaḥ” is a profound salutation to all gurus in the lineage and the teaching tradition, acknowledging their wisdom and guidance. The Guru, seen as a spiritual teacher, illuminates the path of knowledge and enlightenment. In spiritual traditions, the Guru is often equated with the divine, acting as a conduit between the human and the transcendental. This mantra honours the unbroken tradition of knowledge transfer from teacher to student over millennia.

Gaṇapati Prārthana: The Remover of Obstacles

Dedicated to Lord Gaṇapati, the mantra “oṃ gaṇānāṃ tvā gaṇapatigṃ havāmahe” calls upon Gaṇapati to remove obstacles. Revered as the elephant-headed god, Gaṇapati’s energy embodies protection, perseverance, and resilience. Chanting this mantra aligns us with these qualities, enabling us to navigate life’s challenges with grace and determination.

Sarasvatī Prārthana: The Goddess of Wisdom

The invocation to Goddess Sarasvatī, chanted with the mantra “praṇo devī sarasvatī,” is a prayer for divine insight, eloquence, and clarity of thought. Sarasvatī, the goddess of wisdom, learning, and the arts, is essential for any intellectual or artistic endeavour. Invoking her presence ensures our minds remain clear and receptive to learning, allowing knowledge to flow freely and eloquently.

The Essence of Invocation Mantras

Chanting these mantras with devotion aligns our head and heart with the divine energies of protection, wisdom, and inspiration. Where the head and heart are aligned, focus is a natural outcome. Integrating the teachings and chants from Nitya Dhyāna into daily practice honours ancient traditions and invites these divine blessings into our lives, ensuring our spiritual, intellectual, and creative pursuits are enriched with clarity, inspiration, and protection.