Vocal health – an āyurvedic perspective
This mini-workshop explores the āyurvedic perspective on vocal health. As a chanting teacher, I’m often asked the following questions:
- My voice feels hoarse after just a few minutes of chanting, what can I do?
- What can I do to develop a stronger voice?
- How can I recover from a strained voice after chanting?
Dr.Vignesh Devraj will help us address some of these common questions and share practices herbs and rituals with us to develop and maintain a healthy chanting voice.
You will also learn a Dhanvantari mantra and practice a japa as part of this workshop.
- Understand what āyurveda says about maintaining a healthy voice.
- Discover common problems that impact your voice quality.
- Follow a daily protocol/ritual to maintain a strong and healthy chanting voice.
- Learn a Dhanvantari mantra for well-being.

Course Curriculum
Welcome to your workshop!
Dr.Vignesh Devraj – consultation details
Recording of the workshop
Notes from the workshop
Download text
Learn mantra in short segments
Full mantra practice
A guided practice
Your Course Includes
Complete replay from live workshop
This is a recorded two hour workshop with guest speaker Dr.Vignesh Devraj.
A daily ritual/protocol to follow
Download and follow this daily protocol for optimal vocal health.
Dhanvantari Gāyatrī mantra learning resources
Downloadable text and audio resources to learn this mantra.
Frequently asked Questions
When does the course start and finish?
This is workshop now available in a self-paced format. You can go over it at your own time if you have not joined us live.
How long do I have access to the course?
Unlimited !! You can go over the course contents as long as you like.
Can I have face to face interation with Instructor
If you didn’t join this workshop when it was conducted live, there is no interaction with the instructor. It is a self-paced module.