Veda chanting essentials
The oldest known Indian scriptures are the vast corpus of Sanskrit poetry termed as the Vedas. Considered to be a divine revelation to the Ṛṣi-s (Seers) of ancient India, Vedic Chanting is bound by strict adherence to six rules – Varṇa (pronunciation), Svara (chanting notes), Mātrā (duration) Balam (force), Sāma (continuity) and Santāna (conjugation, punctuation). Adhyayanam or the process of study that involves repeating exactly as the teacher recites has preserved these rules for thousands of years.
In this course, you will learn the very essentials of Veda recitation to get you started. This course is a recommended pre-requisite to all our courses.
Course objectives
Have a basic introduction to 3 of the 6 rules of Veda recitation.
Learn the rule of Svara – the notes used in Veda chanting that distinguish it from other chanting or music
Learn about aspirated sounds.
Learn about conjugation – how some sounds in Sanskrit change based on a set of rules. Therefore, your text may look different from how you recite it and you will understand why.
Understand the method used in these courses to explain Vedic phonetics.
- Learn the famous Gāyatrī mantra with meaning.
- Have some tips to build your practice.

Course Curriculum
Download your course workbook
The Vedas
Recitation or singing?
The rules
The oral tradition
Notes of veda chanting
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Aspirated sounds
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
The rules of conjunction
Anusvāra exercise 1 – āyurmantraḥ excerpt
Anusvāra exercise 2 – saha nāvavatu excerpt
Visarga exercise 1 – śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ
Visarga exercise 2 – pūrṇamadaḥ
The Veda Studies system
Exercise – saha nāvavatu – full sentence practice
Exercise – saha nāvavatu – full mantra practice
Repeat after Shantala – half sentence
Vedic phonetics – Gāyatrī
Repeat after Shantala – full sentences
Full mantra practice
Gāyatrī Japa – 108 times repetition with Shantala
Why recite the Vedas?
How to practice?
What next?
Using a Tanpura
Test your knowledge
Thank you, closing mantra & discussion area
What this class is about
Clearing all doubts about your practice
What this class is about
Ṛṣikā-s, Brahmavādini-s & women in chanting
Your Course Includes
Audio & video resources
There are audio resources to practice simple beginner exercises with. Videos are available for some explanations.
A workbook
A workbook you can download and have the texts for the chanting available, some exercises for you and space to write your notes.
A short quiz to test your understanding at the end of the course.
Frequently asked Questions
When does the course start and finish?
This is a self paced learning course of about 3 hours of study. You are free to take longer or finish the course sooner depending on your progress. For complete beginners, we recommend going through all the lessons and spreading your study over 2-3 days, repeating the exercises several times.
How long do I have access to the course?
You have unlimited access to this course.
Can I have face to face interaction with Instructor
No, this is an online self paced course with audio, video and text lessons. However, you are free to contact the instructor via our direct messaging system from the member’s area. You may also post your questions in the discussion area in the course and interact with the teacher and other students.
Does this course have any certificates?
No, this is just a basic introductory course on Veda chanting. We are working on certificate courses! This course however offers a short quiz to test your basic understanding. Have fun doing it!