© By Claudine Van Massenhoveshutterstock
The power of memory – medhā sūktam
The brilliant seers or ṛṣīs of ancient India knew exactly the specific qualifications to reach the supreme spiritual ideal. They therefore also perfected their power of memory. Why did they do this?
Sṃrti or Memory we speak of here is not in its ordinary psychological sense of memory but in a very special sense. It is the experience of many aspirants that our lessons are often forgotten and we have to re-learn the same experiences repeatedly involving tremendous effort.
The Yogī has to acquire the capacity to note the lessons of experience and to retain them in his or her consciousness for future guidance. The aspirant for Liberation must have the capacity to learn from all experiences quickly and finally, not needing to go through the same experiences over and over, due to failure of memory. In the Vedic tradition, this power of memory is worshipped as Goddess Medha. This hymn is an extract from the Taittirīya Upaniṣat.
This course is especially wonderful for aspiring yogīs and yoginīs in understanding and developing another essential qualification for Samādhi – memory.
Pic © Anand Raveendran shutterstock
How this course works
Divided into 3 main lessons, each containing several audio, video and text sections to help you learn this beautiful mantra. There are a variety of audio lessons –
- Repeat twice after the teacher: Just as in a traditional group class, you will be able to listen to the teacher and repeat along with a group twice. These are recordings from actual classes so all the common challenges are addressed.
- Practice with group: After becoming a little familiar with the text, this is your opportunity to repeat along with a group. Feels just like being in a class.
- Practice with Shantala: If you want to listen only to the teacher, without the chanting from the group, you will be able to listen and repeat twice.
- Full practice with Shantala: The teacher recites the full mantra for you to repeat with or listen to.
The Vedic Phonetics for each verse of the hymn is clearly explained through videos. This will leave you with no doubt as to the rules of pronunciation to follow.
The meaning for each verse is also explained through videos. You will be able to download the meaning of the mantra along with the accurate Sanskrit transliteration text for chanting.
I bring this course to you as a result of studying with various teachers, for chanting, for the meaning, for the deeper meaning! I hope you enjoy the learning experience.
Course Curriculum
Why learn this mantra?
My personal practice
Download text for chanting
Mantra 1 first pada pāṭha (in sections)
Mantra 1 half sentence practice
Mantra 1 – Vedic phonetics (video)
Mantra 1 full sentence practice
Mantra 2 pada pāṭha (in sections)
Mantra 2 – Vedic phonetics (video)
Mantra 2 half sentence practice
Mantra 2 full sentence practice
Mantra 3 pada pāṭha (in sections)
Mantra 3 – Vedic phonetics (video)
Mantra 3 half sentence practice
Mantra 3 full sentence practice
Mantra 4 pada pāṭha (in sections)
Mantra 4 – Vedic phonetics (video)
Mantra 4 half sentence practice
Mantra 4 full sentence practice
Meanings Mantra 1-4
Mantras 1-4 practice with group
Mantra 5 pada pāṭha (in sections)
Mantra 5 Vedic phonetics (video)
Mantra 5 half sentence practice
Mantra 5 full sentence practice
Mantra 5 group practice (full mantra)
Mantra 6 pada pāṭha (in sections)
Mantra 6 Vedic phonetics (video)
Mantra 6 half sentence practice
Mantra 6 full sentence practice
Mantra 7 pada pāṭha (in sections)
Mantra 7 Vedic phonetics (video)
Mantra 7 half sentence practice
Mantra 7 full sentence practice
Mantras 5-7 group practice
Mantra 8 half sentence practice
Mantra 8 Vedic phonetics (video)
Mantra 8 full sentence practice
Mantras 1-8 revision full sentences
Meanings Mantra 5-8 (video)
Revision: Mantra 1-8 repeat twice
Revision: Mantra 1-8 group practice
Mantra 9 pada pāṭha (in sections)
Mantra 9 Vedic phonetics (video)
Mantra 9 half sentence practice
Mantra 9 full sentence practice
Mantra 10 pada pāṭha (in sections)
Mantra 10 Vedic phonetics (video)
Mantra 10 half sentence practice
Mantra 10 full sentence practice
Mantra 9 & 10 group practice
Mantra 11 pada pāṭha (in sections)
Mantra 11 half sentence practice
Mantra 11 Vedic phonetics (video)
Mantra 11 full sentence (with breathing recommendation)
Mantra 11 full sentence practice
Mantra 9-11 group practice
Mantras 9-11 meaning (video)
Medha Sūktam full practice with group
Ask your questions here!
Final group practice (video) Preview
Submit your recording here!
A special format of this mantra
Your Medha Sūktam course Includes
3 Main Lessons with several sub sections each
Learn this beautiful hymn STEP-BY-STEP
Video explanations
Videos explaining the Vedic phonetics as well as the meaning for each verse of the hymn. Videos are embedded in the course for convenience.
Deeper meaning of the mantra
Explained through video and a summary and key terms where relevant through texts you may also download.
Frequently asked Questions
When does the course start and finish?
This is self paced learning course of 3 weeks of duration. You are free to take longer to learn.
How long do I have access to the course?
You will have lifetime access to the course for practice. There may also be updates to the course with new material for no additional fee.
Can I have face to face interaction with Instructor
No, this is an online self paced course with audio, video and text lessons. However, you are free to contact the instructor via our direct messaging system from the member’s area. There is also a discussion area at the end of each lesson where you may post questions and interact with the instructor.
Does this course have any certificates?
No, this is just one hymn from a vast collection in the Vedas. This is not a professional certification course.
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