Puruṣa Sūktam
There is nothing higher than the puruṣa, I am not separate from the puruṣa; I am not a separate entity. The entire knowledge of the upaniṣads is contained in the Puruṣa sūktam.
Chanting the Puruṣa Sūktam regularly neutralises the sense of ownership and our erroneous I-sense, ahaṅkāra, slowly goes away. This sūktam is a prayer repeated daily, towards that end. The daily pārāyaṇa (chanting) helps us establish a certain relationship with Īśvara.
In this course of 10 lessons, we will meticulously learn the recitation of this Sūktam with a high level meaning. As aspiring yogīs working towards understanding our true nature, this hymn will become a powerful prayer in our yogic journey.
How this course works
This is a self-paced course of 10 lessons. Each lesson covers the recitation in detail – repeating word-by word where complicated, followed by full sentence practices – with a group as well as the option to practice only with the teacher’s voice.
There are audio resources for chanting, videos for explanations of Vedic phonetics and high level meaning of the mantras. There are also texts to download – meanings, Vedic phonetic guides for each mantra as well an accurately transliterated text for chanting.
At the end of the course, you have the option to submit a recording for evaluation. There is a discussion area to post questions if you have any doubts or need to clarify anything.

Course Curriculum
Invocation mantras
Welcome to the course!
Download workbook
The Essence of Puruṣa Sūktam
Śānti mantra – taccha̱ṃ yorāvṛ̍ṇīmahe
Śānti mantra – full mantra practice
Śānti mantra – meaning
Anuvāka 1 – half sentence practice
Vedic phonetics explained (anuvāka 1)
Anuvāka 1 – full sentence practice
Anuvāka 1 – full mantra practice
Meaning – Anuvāka 1
Anuvāka 2 – half sentence practice
Vedic phonetics explained (anuvāka 2)
Anuvāka 2 – full sentence practice
Anuvāka 1 full mantra & Anuvāka 2 repeat after teacher
Anuvāka 2 – full mantra practice
Anuvāka 1 & 2 – full mantra practice
Meaning – Anuvāka 2
Anuvāka 3 – half sentence practice
Vedic phonetics explained (anuvāka 3)
Anuvāka 3 – full sentence practice
Anuvāka 3 – full mantra practice
Meaning – Anuvāka 3
Anuvāka 4 – half sentence practice
Vedic phonetics explained (anuvāka 4)
Anuvāka 4 – full sentence practice
Anuvāka 4 – full mantra practice
Anuvāka 1-4 practice
Meaning – Anuvāka 4
Anuvāka 5 – half sentence practice
Recitation tip – chanting with alertness
Anuvāka 5 – full sentence practice
Anuvāka 5 – full mantra practice
Meaning – Anuvāka 5
Lesson 5 – final practice Anuvāka 1-5
Anuvāka 6 – half sentence practice
Anuvāka 6 – full sentence practice
Anuvāka 6 – full mantra practice
Meaning – Anuvāka 6
Anuvāka 7 – half sentence practice
Anuvāka 7 – full sentence practice
Anuvāka 7 – full mantra practice
Meaning – Anuvāka 7
Anuvāka 8 – half sentence practice
Vedic phonetics explained (Anuvāka 8)
Anuvāka 8 – full sentence practice
Anuvāka 8 – full mantra practice
Mantras 1-8 practice by group
Anuvāka 9 – half sentence practice
Anuvāka 9 – full sentence practice
Anuvāka 9 – full mantra practice
Anuvāka 10 – half sentence practice
Anuvāka 10 – full sentence practice
Anuvāka 10 – full mantra practice
Meaning – Anuvāka 8-9-10
Puruṣa Sūktam – full sūktam practice
Puruṣa Sūktam – a summary
Submit your recording here!