Nakṣatra Sūktam
Learn to chant the Nakṣatra Sūktam from the Taittirīya Brāhmaṇa in praise of the 28 constellations or Nakṣatra-s which are a key element of Vedic Jyotiṣa.
This course will only be made available for sign up sometime after March 2025.
Course objectives
At the end of this course, you will:
- Be able to chant the Nakṣatra Sūktam from the Taittirīya Brahmaṇa.
- Learn in small sections and then full mantras gradually.
- Chant as taught by my teachers, Vedic scholars in South India.

Course Curriculum
Introduction & download text
How to study
Recommended books
Half sentence practice
Full sentence practice
Full mantra practice
Half sentence practice
Full sentence practice
Full mantra practice
Half sentence practice
Full sentence practice
Full mantra practice
Your Course Includes
Text for chanting in English transliteration, Devanāgari and complete Vedic phonetic guide following the Veda Studies System.
Audio exercises
Audio resources to learn the entire Sūkam.
Resources of Shantala practising with her teacher
Recordings of Shantala practising with her teacher and also a full recording of the Sūktam by her teacher as reference.
Frequently asked Questions
When does the course start and finish?
This is self paced learning course, you can start and finish at your pace. We recommend taking 10-12 weeks to complete this course. Learning 2-3 mantras each week is a good pace – allowing time for accurate learning.
How long do I have access to the course?
Unlimited access.
Can I have face to face interation with Instructor
This is an entirely self-paced course. Several additional study resources are provided for theoretical understanding. For the moment, there is no instructor interaction available on this course.