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Hymn of divine enjoyment – Bhāgya Sūktam
From the seventh Maṇḍala of the Ṛg Veda dedicated entirely to the mantras of Ṛṣi Vaṣiṣṭha, Bhāgya Sūktam is a morning mantra also known as prātaḥ sūktam or morning hymn.
Let us call Bhaga, who is strong and victorious, powered by all that is true, right and good to come and displace ignorance and all falsehood in us. Bhaga has a wealth of Truth, come and manifest for us the knowledge and energy for this Truth. May the dawn bring to us Bhaga.
This Ṛg veda mantra features the famous words Bhagavān and Bhagavantaḥ, used to signify the supreme person in later times, especially in the Bhakti literature.
Through 5 classes, we will systematically learn to recite this mantra, word by word, with complete breakdown of the Vedic phonetics and deeper meaning for contemplation.
How this Course Works
Through 5 structured self-paced lessons, you will be able to learn the 8 mantras of this beautiful morning hymn with audio, video and textual resources. The Vedic phonetics have been explained clearly and accurately in order to honour the rigour of the Veda recitation practice. There is a discussion area if you wish to post a question and interact with your instructor.
You will be able to download resources for practice – select audio recordings, Vedic phonetic references and meaning documents. Recordings with a live class (so you can listen to common mistakes and corrections to them) as well as recordings with only the teacher (for focussed practice) are available on this course.
At the end of the course, you will have the option to upload an audio recording of your recitation for evaluation and feedback.

Course Curriculum
Welcome to the course!
Download text for chanting
Mantra 1 – pada pāṭhaḥ (word by word)
Mantra 1 – Vedic phonetics
Mantra 1 – svara common problem!
Mantra 1 – half sentence practice
Mantra 1 – full sentence practice
Mantra 1 – full mantra practice
Mantra 2 – pada pāṭhaḥ (word by word)
Mantra 2 – Vedic phonetics
Mantra 2 – common problem (don’t forget the gṃ)
Mantra 2 – half sentence practice
Mantra 2 – full sentence practice
Mantra 2 – full mantra practice
Meaning – Mantras 1 & 2
Lesson 1 – final practice
Lesson 2 – Invocatory mantras
Mantra 3 – pada pāṭhaḥ (word by word)
Mantra 3 – Vedic phonetics
Mantra 3 – half sentence practice
Vedic phonetics – pranṛbir nṛvantasyāma
Mantra 3 – full sentence practice
Mantra 3 – full mantra practice
Mantra 4 – pada pāṭhaḥ (word by word)
Mantra 4 – Vedic phonetics
Prātiśākhyā – Where do the phonetic rules come from?
Mantra 4 – half sentence practice
Mantra 4 – full sentence practice
Mantra 4 – full mantra practice
Mantra 3-4 full mantra practice
Meaning – mantras 3 & 4 (video)
Lesson 2 – final practice
Mantra 5 – pada pāṭhaḥ (word by word)
Mantra 5 – Vedic phonetics
Mantra 5 – Vedic phonetics – a further nuance
Mantra 5 – half sentence practice
Mantra 5 – full sentence practice
Mantra 5 – full mantra practice
Mantra 6 – pada pāṭhaḥ (word by word)
Mantra 6 – Vedic phonetics
Mantra 6 – half sentence practice
Mantra 6 – full sentence practice
Mantra 6 – full mantra practice
Mantras 5-6 full mantra practice
Meaning – Mantras 5 & 6 (video)
Lesson 3 – final practice
Lesson 4 – invocation mantras
Mantra 7 – pada pāṭhaḥ (word by word)
Mantra 7 – Vedic phonetics
Mantra 7 – phonetics, a common mistake here
Mantra 7 – half sentence practice
Mantra 7 – full sentence practice
Mantra 7 – full mantra practice
Mantra 8 – pada pāṭhaḥ (word by word)
Mantra 8 – Vedic phonetics
Mantra 8 – half sentence practice
Mantra 8 – full sentence practice
Mantra 8 – full mantra practice
Meaning Mantra 7
Mantra 7 & 8 – full mantra practice
Ask your questions here!
Final practice with group
Final practice with text
Submit your recording here!
Your Course Includes
Audio resources with a live group class as well as with only the teacher. You will be able to download select audio files for practice if you need to.
Video resources
Videos explaining the meaning of each mantra as well as explanations of the Vedic phonetics for each mantra.
Textual resources
Downloadable texts for chanting, Vedic phonetics and the meaning of mantras.
Frequently asked Questions
When does the course start and finish?
This is self paced learning course of 5 weeks of duration. You are free to take longer or shorter to complete the course, it is completely self-paced.
How long do I have access to the course?
Lifetime access! You can review, revisit and practice with the resources in the course for as long as you need.
Can I have face to face interaction with the Instructor
No, this is an online self paced course with audio, video and text resources prepared by your instructor. However, you are free to contact the instructor via our direct messaging system from the member’s area (for private questions) or post your questions in the discussion area within the course.
Does this course have any certificates?
No, this is just one hymn from a vast body of work. You will have the option to submit a recording of your recitation and receive feedback from the instructor through the course assignment area.