Pic © Dmitry Rukhlenko shutterstock
Devī Sūktam – the sound of Truth
From the 10th Maṇḍala of the Ṛg Veda, this mantra is stunning both in poetic expression as well as in its sound. Revealed to a Ṛṣika or woman seer – Vāk Ambhṛṇī who in this hymn, identifies completely with the Supreme Vāk, or sound (parāśakti in Tantra), joyfully expresses her realisation through these 8 mantras. This hymn is therefore a song in praise of the Self.
Pic © Dmitry Rukhlenko shutterstock
How this course works
Through 5 structured self-paced lessons, you will be able to learn the 8 mantras of this glorious hymn with audio, video and textual resources. The Vedic phonetics have been explained clearly and accurately in order to honour the rigour of the Veda recitation practice. There is a discussion area if you wish to post a question and interact with your instructor. At the end of the course, you will have the option to upload an audio recording of your recitation for evaluation and feedback.
The meaning of the mantras are also provided to help you with a complete practice at the end of the course.
Course Curriculum
Welcome to the course!
Download course workbook
Download Sanskrit alphabet
Mantra 1 – pada pāṭhaḥ (word by word)
Mantra 1 – Vedic phonetics
Mantra 1 – Explaining the ‘pause’
Mantra 1 – half sentence practice
Mantra 1 – full sentence practice
Mantra 1 – full mantra practice
Mantra 2 – pada pāṭhaḥ (word by word)
Mantra 2 – ‘suprāvye’ explanation
Mantra 2 – Vedic phonetics
Mantra 2 – half sentence practice
Mantra 2 – full sentence practice
Mantra – 2 Full mantra practice
Mantra 2 – Somamāhanasam
Mantras 1 & 2 – Meaning
Final lesson 1 practice
Mantra 3 – pada pāṭhaḥ (word by word)
Mantra 3 – Vedic phonetics
Mantra 3 – half sentence practice
Mantra 3 – full sentence practice
Mantra 3 – full mantra practice
Mantra 4 – pada pāṭhaḥ (word by word)
Mantra 4 – Vedic phonetics
Mantra 4 – half sentence practice
Mantra 4 – full sentence practice
Mantra 4 – full mantra practice
Mantra 3 & 4 – full mantra practice
Mantras 3 & 4 meaning
Final practice – mantras 1-4
Mantra 5 – pada paṭhaḥ (word by word) practice
Mantra 5 – Vedic phonetics
Mantra 5 – half sentence practice
Mantra 5 – full sentence practice
Mantra 5 – full mantra practice
Mantra 6 – pada paṭhaḥ (word by word) practice
Mantra 6 – Vedic phonetics
Mantra 6 – half sentence practice
Mantra 6 – full sentence practice
Mantra 6 – full mantra practice
Mantra 5 & 6 full mantra practice
Mantras 5 & 6 meaning
Final practice – mantras 1-6
Mantra 7 – pada pāṭhaḥ (word by word) practice
Mantra 7 – Vedic phonetics
Mantra 7 – half sentence practice
Mantra 7 – full sentence practice
Mantra 7 – full mantra practice
Mantra 8 – pada pāṭhaḥ (word by word) practice
Mantra 8 – Vedic phonetics
Mantra 8 – half sentence practice
Mantra 8 – full sentence practice
Mantras 7 & 8 meaning
Mantra 8 – full mantra practice
Mantras 7 & 8 full mantras practice
My first lesson!
Half sentence practice – entire hymn
Full sentence practice – entire hymn
My ‘exam’ submission
Committing to memory
Summary – significance of Devī Sūktam
Sanskrit syllables – a quick revision
Devī Sūktam – final practice Preview
Post your questions here!
Submit your recording here!
Your Course Includes
Audio from an actual class
Experience how this mantra is taught in an actual class to a group group of international students. You will also have the option of learning from a recording with only the teacher’s voice on it. Some of our students prefer this method and both options will be there for your practice.
Video explanations
Videos explaining the Vedic phonetics as well as the meaning of the mantras.
Textual learning resources
You will be able to download an accurate copy of the text in English transliteration. You will also be able to download the meaning of the mantras for your study.
Frequently asked Questions
When does the course start and finish?
This is self paced learning course of 5 weeks of duration. You are free to take longer if you wish to, this is entirely up to you!
How long do I have access to the course?
Unlimited !! You can watch the videos and techniques explained for as much number of time you wish.
Can I have face to face interaction with Instructor
No, this is an online self paced course with audio and video resources. However, you are free to contact the instructor via our direct messaging system from the member’s area. There is also a discussion area in the course if you wish to post a question or comment (visible to all students).
Does this course have any certificates?
No, this is not a professional certification course. You will have the option to submit a recording of your recitation for evaluation and feedback at the end of the course.
Get Started Now
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