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Developing Will Power – Agni
Developing Will Power is a course introducing you to the cosmic power Agni through the recitation of the first nine mantras of the Ṛg Veda. The systematic repetition of Agni mantras of the Ṛg Veda allow you to understand and develop contact with Agni, also manifested as the psychological power of Will in human beings. The mantras of the Vedas are not useful in mere rituals, but have a deeper meaning which through recitation and meditation, reveal their meaning to us.
How this Course Works
Developing Will Power is a course with several audio tracks, starting with pada pāṭha or word by word repetition of the mantras, followed by repetition of complete mantra which you can do at your own pace. You will have the option to practice with a group or also just the instructor (Shantala).
Each mantra is accompanied with a text file that gives you details of the Sanskrit grammar applicable to that mantra which influences the pronunciation. Additional texts and videos list the important terminology you need to understand in the Ṛg Veda texts that bring out the spiritual deeper meaning of the mantras, and not just a direct translation. This course will eventually help you develop your personal practice of this first Sūktam which in essence is a practice of Developing your Will Power.
A discussion area will allow you to post questions and interact with the teacher. As an optional assignment, you will be able to upload an audio file of your chanting for evaluation.

Course Curriculum
The Vedic literature
Why read the Ṛg Veda – Video by Dr.Kashyap
Vedic deities
Ṛsi of the 1st Sūkta or first 9 Mantras of the Ṛg Veda
What is Chandas
Sanskrit alphabet revision
Download your workbook
Audio lesson of 1st 3 mantras
Practice with Shantala – Mantra 1
Vedic phonetics – Mantra 1 (video)
Practice with Shantala – Mantra 2
Vedic phonetics – Mantra 2 (video)
Practice with Shantala – Mantra 3
Vedic phonetics – Mantra 3 (video)
Key terms in First Mantra & meaning
Dr.Kashyap’s video explaining first mantra
Key terms in 2nd Mantra and meaning
Dr.Kashyap’s video explaining 2nd mantra
Key terms in 3rd mantra and meaning
Dr.Kashyap’s video explaining 3rd mantra
Meaning Mantras 1 2 3 (Video by Shantala)
Audio lesson of mantras 4-6
Practice with Shantala – Mantra 4
Vedic phonetics mantra 4 (video)
Practice with Shantala – Mantra 5
Vedic phonetics mantra 5 (video)
Practice with Shantala – Mantra 6
Vedic phonetics mantra 6 (video)
Key terms in Mantra 4 and meaning
Dr.Kashyap’s video explaining Mantra 4
Key terms in Mantra 5 and meaning
Dr.Kashyap’s video explaining Mantra 5
Key terms in Mantra 6 and meaning
Dr.Kashyap’s video explaining Mantra 6
Meaning Mantra 4 5 6 (Video by Shantala)
Audio lesson of mantras 7-9
Practice with Shantala – Mantra 7
Vedic phonetics mantra 7 (video)
Practice with Shantala – Mantra 8
Vedic phonetics mantra 8 (video)
Practice with Shantala – Mantra 9
Vedic phonetics mantra 9 (video)
Key terms in Mantra 7 and meaning
Dr.Kashyap’s video explaining Mantra 7
Key terms in Mantra 8 and meaning
Dr.Kashyap’s video explaining Mantra 8
Key terms in Mantra 9 and meaning
Dr.Kashyap’s video explaining Mantra 9
Meaning Mantra 7 8 9 (Video by Shantala)
Audio lesson – Full practice Mantras 1-9
Final group practice (video) Preview
Ask a question – Discussion area
Optional – Assignment submission
Further reading recommendation
Your Course Includes
Audio recordings from a live class so you can go through the group learning experience. Additional audio recordings with just the teacher’s voice if you prefer learning without student voices.
Videos with brief explanations of the import of the mantras from Prof.R.L.Kashyap (Shantala’s teacher) as well as videos from Shantala’s classes in Brussels.
Text lessons
Several text based lessons for understanding key words of the mantra (can be downloaded) and graphic representation of ALL vedic phonetic rules to follow so your pronunciation can be accurate and you have reference resources for your own self practice
Frequently asked Questions
When does the course start and finish?
This is self paced learning course of 3 weeks of duration. You are free to take as long as you need of course.
How long do I have access to the course?
Unlimited. You can watch the videos and techniques explained for as many number of times you wish.
Can I have face to face interaction with the Instructor
No, this is an online self paced course with audio/video demonstration. However, you are free to contact the instructor via our direct messaging system from the member’s area or post your questions in the discussion area.
Does this course have any certificates?
No, this is just a basic introductory course on Ṛg Veda by the study of its first 9 mantras. This is not a professional certification course.