I’d like to share a little background on how the Friday community classes came to be. When I first started to teach chanting, it was mainly to very small groups in Brussels, in a lovely space called Shanti Home where I felt at home. Friday evenings were mantra meditation evenings, choosing one mantra for practice, and also creating a lovely altar to practice in front of.
Since growing our online community, we simply brought this same energy to our Friday classes and also made them FREE. So that, we could celebrate and practice and welcome everyone from all walks of life and from anywhere in the world.
Usually on Fridays, these events are for us to come together online for short practices (sometimes long!). Everyone is always welcome to these classes, you don’t need to be registered in a course or be a student in a live program to be part of this community.
The short practices celebrate different occasions and festivals. We usually repeat a short mantra (japa). The text is displayed on the screen, so even if you are a beginner, you should be able to follow along. If it seems too much, even listening (without chanting yourself) can be a nice experience.
These classes have grown into offering many more FREE practice tips and course information sessions as well. I’m very invested in continuing to offer these free classes. They are very important for me. It is also important for me that everyone feels welcome. We like our community to join us with videos on, so we can be there with full presence.
I’m excited about the 2024 planning for these events and I am thrilled to be adding a new category on scriptural insights. Here’s what to expect:

Special shout out and thanks to all the regulars on our community events! We hope our community benefits and learns in these classes. Thank you for supporting these events and especially these topics. You are all a part of upholding these practices and knowledge ❤️.
Thanks for organising these community events, Shantala. I manage to attend them as much as possible and feel refreshed and blessed after the group chanting. It is magical which can only be experienced. Look forward to more such events with like-minded people.
Thank you Anjana!
Thank you Shantala for offering these events! I can’t be online most of the time due to time (I live in Brazil), but when possible I’ll be there!
I’m so glad to hear that these will continue. Very excited for the new scripture sessions!!
It is always a pleasure. While I love the deep dive of a longer course, very often because of timing I must use the recordings.Your free gatherings add the sweetness of community back into my practices and I love these connections with people literally around the world. (The gift of Zoom!) Many thanks to you, Shantala-Ji, as well as to all those who contribute the behind-the-scenes VedaStudies support! This community is a treasure!
Merci Shantala for you generosity. It’s always a special moment for me to join your community classes, hear your presentations, and chant with you and everyone, even without hearing their voices. You are luminous! Much love to you and to your family.
🌈Thank you so abundantly Dear Shantala to bring together this wonderful Vedic Community❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏🕉🕉🕉🌺🌺🌺 I really feel so empowered and soulfully wholesome to join Veda events here✅ My deepest heartfelt gratitude for your gracious and precious Veda Wisdom Gifts of Śraddhā, Agni & Medhā study program! With Śraddhā and you, my beloved brilliant Veda teacher, I know that I can overcome the language difficulties in due time and I can pursue Veda Studies! At the present time, I am on the healing process, so I cannot yet attend the Live Online Sessions, my wholeheartedly prayer that my healing process would be… Read more »
Thank you to Veda studies for all the efforts to offer the community events and the courses. It is a real blessing that I am able to access this course and event with such depth and clerity. My greatest takeaway from Veda studie so far is the Gayati pranayama⭐️
Love and light to all and to Lovely Shantala🤗🫶🙏
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Thans you so much dear Shantala,