The Healing Sound of Veda

The Healing Sound of Veda

Clinical Psychologist Katinka Thorne Salvesen tells Veda Studies’ Sophie French how reciting Veda can tame and train the mind to teach it new ways of being. When I interview most people, it is me asking the questions, but this interview with Oslo-based Clinical...
Mantra Made Me Realise What Voice Is…

Mantra Made Me Realise What Voice Is…

Says Sanja Wieland as she felt she heard herself for the first time while practising mantras. She tells Veda Studies’ Sophie French about the many ways in which Veda recitation affected her body-mind-intellect.  In his book Sonic Theology: Hinduism and Sacred Sound,...
Veda Recitation: An Artist’s Muse

Veda Recitation: An Artist’s Muse

Sand artist Anne Löper practises Veda recitation to invite Sarasvatī to inspire her and give her ideas, and she studies Vedānta for the clarity required to execute those ideas and turn them into art. In conversation with Veda Studies’ Sophie French… When I started...
Finding Unity in Diversity

Finding Unity in Diversity

Veda Studies’s Sophie French talks to Mr Nazem Al Kudsi about the first major temple to be inaugurated in the Middle East and how reciting Veda keeps his overactive mind focused. My parents had an interfaith marriage and they fought the world for it. Growing up...
Community events 2024

Community events 2024

I’d like to share a little background on how the Friday community classes came to be. When I first started to teach chanting, it was mainly to very small groups in Brussels, in a lovely space called Shanti Home where I felt at home. Friday evenings were mantra...
My mother’s guru ❤️

My mother’s guru ❤️

Early this morning (02 Nov 2023), my mother’s guru, Māta Ananthalakshmi Natarajan passed away and on to the lotus feet of her beloved Bhagavān Lord Rāma. She was a brilliant Sanskrit scholar and dedicated her entire life to the dissemination of Sanskrit and...