A Discovery of Bhārata

A Discovery of Bhārata

Practising Yoga and Veda recitation enabled UAE-Based Lavita Dhar to reconnect to her Indian roots and find stillness in India’s chaos. What does India mean to us Indians? When I began practising yoga (or some form of it) 20 years ago, I started with āsana practice...
The Transcendental Qualities of Sanskrit

The Transcendental Qualities of Sanskrit

Jenny Tumas and Jenna Love are both yoga, Sanskrit and Veda recitation teachers, they’re both graduates of the Veda Studies’ first TTC, and they’ve both inspired Veda Studies’ Sophie French to learn how to read and write Devanāgarī.  Swami Chinmayananda Saraswati said...
The Mysticism of Sound

The Mysticism of Sound

Merike Taza tells Veda Studies’ Sophie French how the ancient runo songs of Estonia share mystic similarities with ancient India’s Veda, and that’s not the only thing the two countries have in common. Merike Taza found it easy to relate to the teachings and sounds of...
The Unconditioned Reality of the Self

The Unconditioned Reality of the Self

LA-Based Johanna Bennett couldn’t reconcile the West’s  āsana-centric approach to yoga with how she experienced spirituality when she travelled to India, until she started studying Vedānta and reciting Veda. After that, there was only clarity.  “I live in California...