by Shantala Sriramaiah | May 20, 2020 | Chanting practice
The Vedas are the collective intelligence and experiences of over 400 super yogīs, or ṛṣi-s in Sanskrit. The Sanskrit word Ṛṣi literally translates to “seer”. Through their intense yogic practices, they had acquired a vision of how the universe functioned and our...
by Shantala Sriramaiah | Mar 8, 2018 | Chanting practice
The Taittīrīya Upaniṣat’s Sīkṣāvalli lists the responsibilities of students in their life long journey of discovering the Self. In the very beginning, students are encouraged to master the Vedic phonetics by adhering to strict rules of varṇa, svara, mātra,...
by Shantala Sriramaiah | Aug 17, 2017 | Chanting practice
There are over 20,226 mantras in the Saṃhita portion of the Veda alone. Then there are all those mantras not in the Vedas and also important. How do we get started developing a daily practice of Mantra and where do we begin?One way to start is to really think about...